Results for 'Can Laurens Löwe'

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  1.  79
    John Duns Scotus versus Thomas Aquinas on action-passion identity.Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):1027-1044.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines Thomas Aquinas’ and John Duns Scotus’ respective views on the action-passion identity thesis. This thesis, which goes back to Aristotle, states that when an agent causes a change in a patient, then the agent’s causing of the change is identical to the patient’s undergoing of said change. Action and passion are, on this view, one and the same change in the patient, albeit under two distinct descriptions. The first part of the paper considers Aquinas’ defence of this (...)
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  2.  50
    The Blessed Virgin and the Two Time-Series: Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain on Limit Decision.Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):36-59.
    This paper examines the accounts of limit decision advanced by Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain in their respective discussions of the sanctification of the Blessed Virgin. Hervaeus and Durand argue, against Aristotle, that the temporal limits of certain changes, including Mary’s sanctification, should be assigned in discrete rather than continuous time. The paper first considers Hervaeus’ discussion of limit decision and argues that, for Hervaeus, a solution of temporal limits in terms of discrete time can coexist with an (...)
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  3.  21
    Gregory of Rimini on the Intension and Remission of Corporeal Forms.Can Laurens Löwe - 2014 - Recherches de Théologie Et de Philosophie Médiévales 81 (2).
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    Sein, Sache, Ordnung: Thomas von Aquin über Wahrmacher und die Beziehung des Wahrmachens.Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 99 (2):156-193.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 2 Seiten: 156-193.
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    (1 other version)Complexity and Unity.Can Laurens LÖWE & Dominik Perler - 2023 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 89 (2):335-392.
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    Aristotle and John Buridan on the Individuation of Causal Powers.Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 6 (1).
    This paper examines Aristotle’s account of the individuation of causal powers, which dominated much of scholastic thought about powers, and argues that John Buridan rejected it. It contends that Buridan criticizes Aristotle’s account on two counts. First, he attacks Aristotle’s view that we ought to individuate powers by appeal to their respective activities. Second, Buridan objects to Aristotle’s “single-track” account, which correlates one type of power with only one type of activity. Against this, it is argued, Buridan adopts a multi-track (...)
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  7.  13
    Review of Thomas M. Osborne Jr., Human Action in Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham. Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2014.Can Laurens Löwe - 2014 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 76 (3).
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  8.  89
    Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Efficient Causation.Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (4):239-272.
    _ Source: _Volume 55, Issue 4, pp 239 - 272 According to Peter Auriol, OFM, efficient causation is a composite being consisting of items belonging to three distinct categories: a change, an action, and a passion. The change functions as the subject bearing action and passion. After presenting Aristotle’s account of action and passion, which constitutes the background to Auriol’s theory of causation, this paper considers Auriol’s interpretation of Aristotle’s account in contrast to an alternative interpretation defended by Hervaeus Natalis (...)
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  9.  29
    Aquinas on Dualist Mental Causation.Can Laurens Löwe - 2023 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 40 (2):163-190.
    This paper examines Aquinas's theory of dualist mental causation, that is, his theory of how human beings can efficiently cause changes in their bodies in virtue of two non-physical mental states of theirs, specifically an act of the intellect and an act of the will. It is first shown that Aquinas's hylomorphism does not lie at the heart of this theory. Rather, a relation that he calls “contact of power” (tactus virtutis) does. The remainder of the paper then investigates the (...)
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  10. Henry of Ghent on the Relational Character of Causal Powers.Can Laurens Löwe & Gillian Shaftoe - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 63 (1):27-48.
    abstract: Henry of Ghent contends that a causal power is a relation that a substance bears to an act. Scholars have taken this relational account to commit Henry to the Megaric view that a power exists only if it is actualized. We argue that this reading is mistaken because, for Henry, a power is not a “real relation” between a substance and an act. Rather, it is a “relation of reason.” We then consider the worry that if a power is (...)
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  11.  35
    Introduction: Special Issue on Powers and Essences.Can Laurens Löwe - 2021 - Vivarium 59 (1-2):1-9.
    This article examines Bonaventure’s account of the soul and its powers, which seeks to strike a middle path between the better-known identity and distinction views of the thirteenth century. Bonaventure contends that the powers of the soul are neither fully distinct from the soul nor completely identical to it. The article argues that Bonaventure’s view comprises four key theses. Bonaventure maintains that the soul’s powers are necessary features of the soul; that they depend on the soul; that they are in (...)
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  12.  32
    Thomas Aquinas on Our Freedom to Use Our Habitus.Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.), The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 167-184.
    This paper considers Thomas Aquinas’s claim that we can use certain habitus at will. Focusing on moral habitus, this claim is interpreted as a claim about the freedom human beings have with regard to their character traits: they can freely choose to act or not act according to their character traits. After giving a brief account of how, for Aquinas, character traits influence our actions via our emotions, the paper examines whether this freedom is of a libertarian or of a (...)
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  13.  23
    Terry Pinkard. Hegel’s Naturalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-19-986079-1. Pp. xii+213. £20.49.Elise Frketich & Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 39 (1):162-168.
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  14. Zelfpredicatie: Middeleeuwse en hedendaagse perspectieven.Jan Heylen & Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 79 (2):239-258.
    The focus of the article is the self-predication principle, according to which the/a such-and-such is such-and-such. We consider contemporary approaches (Frege, Russell, Meinong) to the self-predication principle, as well as fourteenth-century approaches (Burley, Ockham, Buridan). In crucial ways, the Ockham-Buridan view prefigures Russell’s view, and Burley’s view shows a striking resemblance to Meinong’s view. In short the Russell-Ockham-Buridan view holds: no existence, no truth. The Burley-Meinong view holds, in short: intelligibility suffices for truth. Both views approach self-predication in a uniform (...)
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    Comments On: Orsi, Francesco. The Guise of the Good: A Philosophical History. New York and London: Routledge, 2023. Chapters 4 and 5. [REVIEW]Can Laurens Löwe - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-9.
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  16.  25
    Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act by Can Laurens Löwe. [REVIEW]Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):152-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act by Can Laurens LöweThomas M. Osborne Jr.Can Laurens Löwe. Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 225. Hardback, $99.99.This book is about the way in which Thomas Aquinas understands the human act to be composed of form and matter. It provides a fresh reading of many central texts from (...)
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  17.  31
    Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act, by Can Laurens Löwe.Han Thomas Adriaenssen - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (4):390-394.
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  18.  45
    Cosmetic Psychopharmacology for Prisoners: Reducing Crime and Recidivism Through Cognitive Intervention.Adam B. Shniderman & Lauren B. Solberg - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (3):315-326.
    Criminologists have long acknowledged the link between a number of cognitive deficits, including low intelligence and impulsivity, and crime. A new wave of research has demonstrated that pharmacological intervention can restore or improve cognitive function, particularly executive function, and restore neural plasticity. Such restoration and improvement can allow for easier acquisition of new skills and as a result, presents significant possibilities for the criminal justice system. For example, studies have shown that supplements of Omega-3, a fatty acid commonly found in (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Using wearable cameras to investigate health-related daily life experiences: A literature review of precautions and risks in empirical studies.Laurel E. Meyer, Lauren Porter, Meghan E. Reilly, Caroline Johnson, Salman Safir, Shelly F. Greenfield, Benjamin C. Silverman, James I. Hudson & Kristin N. Javaras - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Research Ethics 18 (1):64-83.
    Research Ethics, Volume 18, Issue 1, Page 64-83, January 2022. Automated, wearable cameras can benefit health-related research by capturing accurate and objective information about individuals’ daily experiences. However, wearable cameras present unique privacy- and confidentiality-related risks due to the possibility of the images capturing identifying or sensitive information from participants and third parties. Although best practice guidelines for ethical research with wearable cameras have been published, limited information exists on the risks of studies using wearable cameras. The aim of this (...)
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  20.  19
    Improving Communication in the Red Meat Industry: Opinion Leaders May Be Used to Inform the Public About Farm Practices and Their Animal Welfare Implications.Carolina A. Munoz, Lauren M. Hemsworth, Paul H. Hemsworth, Maxine Rice & Grahame J. Coleman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Opinion leaders within the community may lead debate on animal welfare issues and provide a path for information to their social networks. However, little is known about OLs’ attitudes, activities conducted to express their views about animal welfare and whether they are well informed, or not, about husbandry practices in the red meat industry. This study aimed to identify OLs in the general public and among producers and compare OLs and non-OLs’ attitudes, knowledge and actions to express their views about (...)
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  21.  13
    Climate Adaptation Limits and the Right to Food Security.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Laurens M. Bouwer, Christian Huggel & Sirkku Juhola - 2021 - In Hanna Schübel & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 109-115.
    Avoiding severe impacts from anthropogenic climate change requires not only substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions but also further implementation of adaptation measures. In many regions with smallholder farming systems adaptation can help ensure food security despite significantly changing climatic conditions. However, the space for adaptation measures has limits. In this paper, we investigate hard and soft adaptation limits and discuss their relevance to food security in smallholder farming food systems. We argue that soft adaptation limits can be defined by (...)
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  22.  25
    Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act.Can Laurens Löwe - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a novel account of Aquinas's theory of the human act. It argues that Aquinas takes a human act to be a composite of two power-exercises, where one relates to the other as form to matter. The formal component is an act of the will, and the material component is a power-exercise caused by the will, which Aquinas refers to as the 'commanded act.' The book also argues that Aquinas conceptualizes the act of free choice as a hylomorphic (...)
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  23.  9
    Searching High and Low: Prosodic Breaks Disambiguate Relative Clauses.Lauren A. Fromont, Salvador Soto-Faraco & Emmanuel Biau - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:224502.
    During natural speech perception, listeners rely on a wide range of cues to support comprehension, from semantic context to prosodic information. There is a general consensus that prosody plays a role in syntactic parsing, but most studies focusing on ambiguous relative clauses (RC) show that prosodic cues, alone, are insufficient to reverse the preferred interpretation of sentence. These findings suggest that universally preferred structures (e.g., Late Closure principle) matter far more than prosodic cues in such cases. This study explores an (...)
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  24.  92
    Confronting Diminished Epistemic Privilege and Epistemic Injustice in Pregnancy by Challenging a “Panoptics of the Womb”.Lauren Freeman - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (1):44-68.
    This paper demonstrates how the problematic kinds of epistemic power that physicians have can diminish the epistemic privilege that pregnant women have over their bodies and can put them in a state of epistemic powerlessness. This result, I argue, constitutes an epistemic injustice for many pregnant women. A reconsideration of how we understand and care for pregnant women and of the physician–patient relationship can provide us with a valuable context and starting point for helping to alleviate the knowledge/power problems that (...)
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  25.  57
    Can Informed Consent Go Too Far? Balancing Consent and Public Benefit in Research.Lauren C. Milner & David Magnus - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (4):1 - 2.
    (2013). Can Informed Consent Go Too Far? Balancing Consent and Public Benefit in Research. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2013.778645.
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    Self-referent Information-processing in Individuals at High and Low Cognitive Risk for Depression.Lauren B. Alloy, Lyn Y. Abramson, Laura A. Murray, Wayne G. Whitehouse & Michael E. Hogan - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (5-6):539-568.
  27.  44
    A new comparator account of auditory verbal hallucinations: how motor prediction can plausibly contribute to the sense of agency for inner speech.Lauren Swiney & Paulo Sousa - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  28.  48
    Sublating Reverence to Parents: A Kierkegaardian Interpretation of the Sage-King Shun’s Piety.Lauren F. Pfister - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (1):50-66.
    In the Mengzi there is a hypothetical situation relating how the ancient sage-king Shun 舜 would respond if his father had committed murder. This has recently become a source of debate among Chinese philosophers. Here we will apply arguments made by Johannes de silentio (Kierkegaard's pseudonym) about the “teleological suspension of the ethical” related to the action of the biblical Abraham, and link them up to alternative interpretations of the actions of Shun. This challenges the current and traditional interpretations of (...)
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  29.  54
    Forever young? The ethics of ongoing puberty suppression for non-binary adults.Lauren Notini, Brian D. Earp, Lynn Gillam, Rosalind J. McDougall, Julian Savulescu, Michelle Telfer & Ken C. Pang - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):743-752.
    In this article, we analyse the novel case of Phoenix, a non-binary adult requesting ongoing puberty suppression to permanently prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics, as a way of affirming their gender identity. We argue that the aim of OPS is consistent with the proper goals of medicine to promote well-being, and therefore could ethically be offered to non-binary adults in principle; there are additional equity-based reasons to offer OPS to non-binary adults as a group; and the ethical defensibility (...)
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  30.  57
    A Hermeneutic Approach to Gender and Other Social Identities.Lauren Swayne Barthold - 2016 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book draws on the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer to inform a feminist perspective of social identities. Lauren Swayne Barthold moves beyond answers that either defend the objective nature of identities or dismiss their significance altogether. Building on the work of both hermeneutic and non-hermeneutic feminist theorists of identity, she asserts the relevance of concepts like horizon, coherence, dialogue, play, application, and festival for developing a theory of identity. This volume argues that as intersubjective interpretations, social identities are vital ways (...)
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  31.  32
    Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics.Lauren Kaufmann - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (4):546-572.
    Neoclassical economics has become the predominant school of economic thought, influencing scholarship on management, organizations, and business ethics. However, many feminist economists challenge the individualist and positivist foundations of neoclassical economic epistemology, arguing instead that purportedly gender-neutral and value-free methods routinely and systematically leave out and undervalue women. Extending this proposition, this article introduces the epistemic foundations of feminist economics and illustrates how they can produce novel insights relevant for business ethics. In particular, by examining economic phenomena from the point (...)
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  32.  13
    The Dangers of Christian Practice: On Wayward Gifts, Characteristic Damage, and Sin.Lauren F. Winner - 2018 - Yale University Press.
    _Challenging the central place that “practices” have recently held in Christian theology, Lauren Winner explores the damages these practices have inflicted over the centuries_ Sometimes, beloved and treasured Christian practices go horrifyingly wrong, extending violence rather than promoting its healing. In this bracing book, Lauren Winner provocatively challenges the assumption that the church possesses a set of immaculate practices that will definitionally train Christians in virtue and that can’t be answerable to their histories. Is there, for instance, an account of (...)
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  33.  68
    Sex Categorization in Medical Contexts: A Cautionary Tale.Lauren Freeman & Saray Ayala López - 2018 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 28 (3):243-280.
    [We] perform the cultural work of fitting individuals into categories; yet the active labor that goes into making sex appear dichotomous is generally invisible to the broader society, or at least rarely remarked upon.Wording matters. It doesn’t just affect a person’s willingness to check the box and be counted—it also highlights the existence of those identities. Perhaps if we weren’t so regularly confronted with a simple choice—“Are you male or female?”—our thinking about gender wouldn’t be so binary.To be sure, there (...)
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    The ability to value: An additional criterion for decision‐making capacity.Lauren Harcarik, Scott Y. H. Kim & Joseph Millum - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    In the United States, the dominant model of decision‐making capacity (DMC) is the “four abilities model,” which judges DMC according to four criteria: understanding, appreciation, reasoning, and communicating a choice. Some critics argue that this model is “too cognitive” because it ignores the role of emotions and values in decision‐making. But so far there is no consensus about how to incorporate such factors into a model of DMC while still ensuring that patients with unusual or socially disapproved values still have (...)
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  35. Toward a Phenomenology of Mood.Lauren Freeman - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):445-476.
    Martin Heidegger's account of attunement [Befindlichkeit] through mood [Stimmung] is unprecedented in the history of philosophy and groundbreaking vis-à-vis contemporary accounts of emotion. On his view, moods are not mere mental states that result from, arise out of, or are caused by our situation or context. Rather, moods are fundamental modes of existence that are disclosive of the way one is or finds oneself [sich befinden] in the world. Mood is one of the basic modes through which we experience the (...)
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  36.  53
    (1 other version)Empowering Women Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Feminist Foucauldian Critique.Lauren McCarthy - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (4):603-631.
    ABSTRACT:Corporate social responsibility has been hailed as a new means to address gender inequality, particularly by facilitating women’s empowerment. Women are frequently and forcefully positioned as saviours of economies or communities and proponents of sustainability. Using vignettes drawn from a CSR women’s empowerment programme in Ghana, this conceptual article explores unexpected programme outcomes enacted by women managers and farmers. It is argued that a feminist Foucauldian reading of power as relational and productive can help explain this since those involved are (...)
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  37.  58
    Philosophy across the Curriculum and the Question of Teacher Capacity; Or, What Is Philosophy and Who Can Teach It?Lauren Bialystok - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (4):817-836.
    Pre-college philosophy has proliferated greatly over the last few decades, including in the form of ‘philosophy across the curriculum’. However, there has been very little sustained examination of the nature of philosophy as a subject relative to other standard pre-college subjects and the kinds of expertise an effective philosophy teacher at this level should possess. At face value, the minimal academic preparation expected for competence in secondary philosophy instruction, compared to the high standards for teaching other subjects, raises questions and (...)
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  38.  92
    Health Reform and the Preservation of Confidential Health Care for Young Adults.Lauren Slive & Ryan Cramer - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):383-390.
    A major issue facing the health of both minors and young adults in the United States is the often unintentional lack of confidentiality maintained in the provision of sensitive health services. Studies have shown that access to confidential care is crucial for minors seeking preventive care and treatment for sensitive services. Evidence demonstrates that many minors will not seek health care if confidentiality cannot be ensured, which can have significant negative health implications; this finding can be extended to young adults (...)
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    Grünbaum on "the Duhemian argument".Laurens Laudan - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (3/4):295-299.
    In several recent publications, Professor Adolf Grünbaum has inveighed against the conventionalism of writers like Einstein, Poincaré, Quine and especially Duhem. Specifically, Grünbaum has assailed the view that a single hypothesis can never be conclusively falsified. Grünbaum claims that the conventionalists’ insistence on the immunity of hypotheses from falsification is neither logically valid nor scientifically sound. Directing the weight of his argument against Duhem, Grünbaum launches a two-pronged attack. He insists, first, that conclusive falsifying experiments are possible, suggesting that Duhem's (...)
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    Response to Commentaries.Lauren Freeman & Heather Stewart - 2024 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 17 (2):169-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to CommentariesLauren Freeman (bio) and Heather Stewart (bio)We are grateful and humbled that this esteemed group of scholars and healthcare practitioners have dedicated the time to read and engage with our book. Their thoughtful, critical comments have given us new ways of reflecting on our own work, compelled us to develop and expand some of our claims, and have also nudged us to move in new directions that (...)
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    Expediency and human health: The regulation of environmental chromium.Lauren Bartlett, P. Aarne Vesilind & P. Aarne Vesilind - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (2):191-201.
    The complexity of chromium chemistry makes it an ideal example of how the Principle of Expediency, first articulated by sanitary pioneer Earle Phelps, can be used in a standard setting. Expediency, defined by Phelps as “the attempt to reduce the numerical measure of probable harm, or the logical measure of existing hazard, to the lowest level that is practicable and feasible within the limitations of financial resources and engineering skill”, can take on negative connotations unless subject to ethical guidance. In (...)
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    Individual invention versus socio-ecological innovation: Unifying the behavioral and evolutionary sciences.Lauren McCall - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):418-419.
    Great promise for the evolutionary analysis of animal behavior lies in the distinction between generative novelties and the evolutionary innovations to which they can give rise. Ramsey et al. succeed in emphasizing the contribution of individual learning and intelligence to behavioral innovations, but do not correct the tendency to confound individual invention with socio-ecological or group-level innovation.
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    Mighty Invisible Manipulators: How Hidden Influences Can Explain Everything.Stéphane Laurens - 2014 - Diogenes 61 (1):75-83.
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    Investigating a bias account of emotional false memories using a criterion warning and force choice restrictions at retrieval.Lauren M. Cooper, Datin Shah, Imane Moucharik & Zainab Munshi - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Here, we add to the debate as to whether false recognition of emotional stimuli is more memory-based or more bias-based. Emotional false memory findings using the DRM paradigm have been marked by higher false alarms to negatively arousing compared to neutral critical lure items. Explanation for these findings has mainly focused on false memory-based accounts. However, here we address the question of whether a response bias for emotional stimuli can, at least in part, explain this phenomenon. In Experiment 1, we (...)
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    Embodied Harm: A Phenomenological Engagement with Stereotype Threat.Lauren Freeman - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (4):637-662.
    By applying classical and contemporary insights of the phenomenological tradition to key findings within the literature on stereotype threat, this paper considers the embodied effects of everyday exposure to racism and makes a contribution to the growing field of applied phenomenology. In what follows, the paper asks how a phenomenological perspective can both contribute to and enrich discussions of ST in psychology. In answering these questions, the paper uses evidence from social psychology as well as first personal testimonies from members (...)
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  46. Causation in Neuroscience: Keeping Mechanism Meaningful.Lauren N. Ross & Dani Bassett - 2024 - Nature Reviews Neuroscience 25:81-90.
    A fundamental goal of research in neuroscience is to uncover the causal structure of the brain. This focus on causation makes sense, because causal information can provide explanations of brain function and identify reliable targets with which to understand cognitive function and prevent or change neurological conditions and psychiatric disorders. In this research, one of the most frequently used causal concepts is ‘mechanism’ — this is seen in the literature and language of the field, in grant and funding inquiries that (...)
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    The Case for Ethical Non-compete Agreements: Executives Versus Sandwich-Makers.Lauren E. Aydinliyim - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (3):651-668.
    Human capital, the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees, can be a powerful driver of firm performance, yet the mobility of human capital raises questions over how to protect it. Employee non-compete agreements, which limit an employee’s ability to start or join a rival firm, have received recent attention. While past research considers whether non-competes are effective tools at limiting employee mobility, few have considered if non-competes should be used. Filling this gap, I propose a normative schema for when employee (...)
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    Who Loses in Win-Win Investing? A Mixed Methods Study of Impact Risk.Lauren Kaufmann & Helet Botha - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    Existing scholarship grapples with how impact investors measure positive impacts, but little attention has been paid to negative impact or limitations to positive impact, indicating a need to study “impact risk.” Impact risk refers to the likelihood that impact will be different than expected. In this paper, we study how impact risk is considered in practice. First, through a yearlong data collection effort including interviews with 124 impact investors, we are the first, to our knowledge, to document the consideration of (...)
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  49. Agential insensitivity and socially supported ignorance.Lauren Woomer - 2019 - Episteme 16 (1):73-91.
    In this paper, I identify a form of epistemic insensitivity that occurs when someone fails to make proper use of the epistemic tools at their disposal in order to bring their beliefs in line with epistemically relevant evidence that is available to them. I call this kind of insensitivity agential insensitivity because it stems from the epistemic behavior of an individual agent. Agential insensitivity can manifest as a failure to either attend to relevant and available evidence, or appropriately interpret evidence (...)
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    Seeing below the surface: making soil processes visible to Ugandan smallholder farmers through a constructivist and experiential extension approach.Lauren Pincus, Heidi Ballard, Emily Harris & Kate Scow - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):425-440.
    Ugandan smallholder farmers need to feed a growing population, but their efforts are hampered by declining soil fertility rates. Agricultural extension can facilitate farmers’ access to new practices and technologies, yet farmers are understandably often hesitant to adopt new behaviors. New knowledge assimilation is an important component of behavior change that is often overlooked or poorly addressed by current extension efforts. We implemented a Fertility Management Education Program in central Uganda to investigate smallholder farmers’ existing soil knowledge and their assimilation (...)
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